Why Join A Connection Group?
You may ask yourself, “Why do I need to go to Sunday Connection Groups since I never miss church?”. Did you know that there has been proven a direct link between Bible literacy and being in a Connection Group? The knowledge you gain from joining a Connection Group is the foundation to discipleship. It is a less formal, more intellectually focused with dialogue and clarification of areas of interest. It is even self-selecting with groups studying together. A sermon models good Bible reading, but a Sunday Connection Group trains people in good Bible reading.
Ages birth through age 2. Stimulating surroundings and loving workers.
2 to 6 Years Old
Stories, activities all while learning about Jesus.
7 to 9 Years Old
Bible study more in depth via lessons/activities.
Junior & Senior High
Lessons designed for the young teen and preteen. More in-depth study of the Bible.
The Pathfinders
Ages 20-39
One Accords
Ages 40-59
Young At Heart
Ages 60-79
Gospel Lighters
Ages 80+